Who am I?
Hi, I am Mostafa, a junior graphic designer graduated from Seneca College with Ontario Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design. I am a creative graphic designer who is capable to do logo design, editorial and print production. In this portfolio page you will see a collection of my best projects that I have done in three years.
In these years I have experienced working with different softwares such as Adobe Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator and Edge Animate. Adobe Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop are programs that I am comfortable with. Read my resume and check the slider for more information.
• designing two posters for Seneca’s Health and Safety Department about Scent-Free Zone
• volunteering at Alexander Showcase Theatre as an assisted graphic artist and designer
• volunteering at Beautiful World Canada, a charity organization, editing videos and motion design
• developing a product (Hydralize, a healthy drink) through the following process, branding, packaging, advertising and marketing in a group project
• making an advertisement about awareness of transforming houses into more accessible in a group project
Front and back cover of brochure.
Poster ad / magazine ad
Inside spread of brochre mockup.
Front cover brochure.
One inside spread.
Website design for promoting the condominium.
Final logo design for Hydralize, an energy drink for athletics and young people.
Bottle design for the product that comes as twin pouch package or single package.
Final design for front and back label of bottle, showing the four different flavours.
3d mockups of bottles.
Animated Hydralize pouch.
Promotional items for consumers in social events and also available on website.
Transit ad poster design for promoting the product.
Animated Flash ad for websites.
Front cover design, photoshop mockup
Front and back cover.
Inside spread, feature story.
Designed ad for the magazine.
Front and back book cover design.
Hard cover book mockup.
Final logo design for Queen West
Transit shelter ad design, promoting the Queen West area
Entrance totem design
Directional sign design
Interpretive sign design for addressing buildings and giving brief history of the location.
3D mockup of directional sign
3D mockup of Entrance toem
Invitation card
Gift ideas for opening gala night.
Exterior banner
King size bus ad (at the back of the bus).
Bus shelter ad
Logo redesign for FPM, a community centre where they have many programs
Brochure design for FPM (Photoshop mockup)
Inside spread of the brochure
A poster design for FPM, calling for a charity and dinner event
Poster design for Seneca's Health and Safety.
Close shot of the poter.
Another poster design for Seneca's Health and Safety department (faculty poster).
Close shot of the poter.
A graphic art for social media and print about International CIND day. Designed for Action CIND as a volunteering work.
Second version with more descriptions.
Transit ad design for Hero Burger to promote the marketing position.
Stage 2 of this marketing campaign which involves promo-cards with code for contest and coupons.
Micro-site for promoting the contest and other social media activities.
Website page design where customers can enter their codes from promo-cards.
U-Ad page design where customers can generate their own customized posters. They can share them later.
3 web pages on monitors.
Creating web assets for a Christmas show for Alexander Showcase Theatre as a volunteering work.
Designing Facebook banner and other social media graphics.
Printed poster at front door of the theatre.
A promo card design, advertising the show, information about tickets, and times and dates.
Show program design, listing casts and other credits.
Condominium Campaign
Hydralize (Group Project)
Magazine Redesign
Cover Book Redesign
Queen West
Experiential Design
Print Promotion: FMP
Poster Design
Action CIND
Logo Design: MIN
Advertising Campaign
Theatre Show Design
Hi, I am Mostafa, a junior graphic designer graduated from Seneca College with Ontario Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design with honour. I am a creative Graphic Designer who is capable to do logo design, editorial and print production. I also have my Provisional RGD membership. I like to design logos, print promotion and 3D modeling.
In this website you can view my portfolio and read some blog posts. I sometimes do 3D modeling and rendering. If you want to hire me please refer to contact page.