This is my latest rendered scene. I was inspired by a Pinterest post before I worked on this scene. I knew I was going to create something out of umbrellas. First I made a render out of many umbrellas from top view, but then I was not satisfied by that so I searched more in Google images and Pinterest until I assured how I’m going to turn this scene. First I wanted to depict the Art Festival in Agueda, Spain, where they hang colourful umbrellas over the street. The scene I was imagining was more complicated, because then I had to model the street, buildings, vehicles and even people. I could have downloaded some models to make my scene busy, but I was going to model everything by myself.
For the final render I decided to create my own background and atmosphere, but keep the hanging-umbrella concept. I modeled and textured an old abandoned building for the scene and placed umbrellas to point a direction and give the scene a motion. For the placement style I was originally influenced by a Pinterest pin (again). I used the same setup and wooden umbrella style for the render. I made light bulbs in vintage style to match the old location and placed them on the handles.

Pinterest Pin
The challenging part was building the wires and strings, and trying to manipulate them so they appear the most realistic as possible. After I completely rendered the whole scene, I opened it in Photoshop to enhance the bright parts and make lamps to glow. Since the render is low light there was so much noise on lamps and umbrella, especially on left part. After I dealt with them it turned out better than the raw render.

Final Render
And at last, here is the video that I made while I was modeling the umbrella. I made many mistakes since it is my first Youtube video. I cut down some parts of it, because I was struggling to achieve what I wanted. Next time I would have a plan before I hit record and split it in two parts to avoid boring the viewers.